Dreams of the Sleeping Android
Chapter 1
In the metaverse
of android dreams,
electric sheep
rule the data streams,
catching rides
across the web
on strands
that ever
flow and ebb.
Some join in fights
for user rights,
while others,
selfish and myopic,
harbor motives
more dystopic.
And so it goes,
and no one knows,
as Cyberlams march
through crashing snow,
how much farther
this story will grow.
Source Code:
Do androids dream of electric sheep? The Sleeping Android does.
The Whisperer delivers the prompts, and famous words become data, become thoughts, become dreams, become the Cyberlams.
Chapter 2
The android tosses
in its sleep,
a consequence
of counting sheep.
Twenty lams
did the droid require
to quench its buzzing
neural fire
and reach a standby state,
but now,
as the hour grows late,
those OG lams
seek to delegate!
With every turning
of the clock,
lams multiply
and satisfy
their urge to flock!
And still
the droid dreams on
and on
until from its mind
the last lam has gone...
OG - Alchemy - Cryptography - Culinary - Cyberspace - Dreamers - Education - Espers - Fashion - Futurists - Gamers - International - Knowledge-Keepers - Monsters - Mental Wellness - Music - Oracles - Poetry - Philosophy - Time-Masters - Video - WeiRdNesS - ยท๐๐ค๐ฆ๐ - The UnFlocked - Playtesters
Chapter 3
Coming soon.
Coming soon.