RewardsA Year in the Books
2022 was a foundational year for literature on the blockchain. Web3 poetry formed the vanguard. Web3 comics leveraged their link to the visual arts that have dominated the NFT space. Web3 magazines and multi-author collections debuted. And multiple platforms presented authors with publishing opportunities for Web3 books. Each platform evolved new features throughout the course of the year, and many pioneering works were minted.
As the larger Web3 space entered 2023 in a bear market, the Web3 Publishing sector was a hotbed of building, experimenting, and innovation. A Year in the Books debuted as Cryptoversal’s Genesis generative art collection, offered as a New Year’s gift to friends and early supporters but has been reimagined as a monthly subscription service. The mint will remain open to the public throughout 2023, with Darkblock-encrypted ebooks, videos, and artwork added in monthly snapshots as the Web3 Publishing space progresses toward a larger celebration on New Year’s Day of 2024.
End-of-Month Snapshot
The next End-of-Month Snapshot will be taken in...
End of June
If you held a YEAR during this snapshot, you received an airdrop of the Declaration of Independence. Holders also receive all future upgrades through the end of the year.
End of May
If you held a YEAR during this snapshot, you received an airdrop of the Indictment of Donald J. Trump. Holders also receive all future upgrades through the end of the year.
End of April
If you held a YEAR during this snapshot, you received an airdrop of the Complaint Tablet of Ea-nasir on Polygon. Holders also receive all future upgrades through the end of the year.
End of March
If you held a YEAR during this snapshot, you received an airdrop of the first-ever Cryptoversal TokenBook, Moby-Dick by Herman Melville on Polygon. Holders also receive all future upgrades through the end of the year.
End of February
If you held a YEAR during this snapshot, your NFT was upgraded to include sample chapters from SAMHAN by Cryptoversal, an upcoming Wordler Village book from Cryptoversal Books. Decentralized assets added to your YEAR token can be accessed by connecting your YEAR-holding wallet to the Darkblock dApp and selecting the YEAR token from your collection of Polygon NFTs. Holders also receive all future upgrades through the end of the year.
End of January
If you held a YEAR during this snapshot, your NFT was upgraded to include a decentralized video about 2022 in Web3 publishing as immutably linked content using the Darkblock protocol. Decentralized assets added to your YEAR token can be accessed by connecting your YEAR-holding wallet to the Darkblock dApp and selecting the YEAR token from your collection of Polygon NFTs. Holders also receive all future upgrades through the end of the year.
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Cryptoversal creates experimental literature at the intersection of authorship and technology. By harnessing emergent technologies, we help authors achieve their full creative potential in a future where our readers can share ownership in dynamic, interactive, immersive, and personalized literary journeys.