Publishing with Cryptoversal Books
In 2021, we joined a community of early innovators who were applying revolutionary technologies toward making better books. We saw enormous potential for books that better protected authors’ rights, resisted censorship, resisted piracy, promoted reader communities, and enabled new reading experiences and formats.
We created Cryptoversal Books to experiment with an ebook format linked to tokens on a blockchain. These TokenBooks could be used as keys to reader spaces or tickets to author events. They wouldn’t vanish with a lost device, an unrenewed domain, a corporate bankruptcy, or governmental censorship. They would allow authors to be paid a royalty for sales of used copies. And they could be upgraded with alternate endings, multiple story paths, mini-games, multimedia elements, and other new features over time.
We are excited about the potential of TokenBooks to introduce new features and formats to the publishing industry in books that remain accessible and familiar to mainstream readers. And we are especially excited to partner with authors who share our passion for storytelling and technology.
Open Submissions Month
We've set aside July 2023 as our first-ever open submissions month for unsolicited and un-agented submissions.
To submit a manuscript during the month of July, authors will need to grab a Manuscript Submissions Ticket. The tickets are free, but are offered on a first come, first served basis. Once the existing tickets are claimed, new tickets may be issued as we gauge author demand and the capacity of our editorial staff. During the open submissions window, the tickets will be updated with the URL for a manuscript submissions form that ticket-holders may use.
Your submission will consist of the first three chapters of a completed novel or up to 50 pages of a novella, a short biographical note introducing yourself, and a 300-word synopsis of your submission. (You may find this article helpful in constructing an effective synopsis.)
Example of a manuscript submissions ticket
Our submissions editor is open to all genres EXCEPT Erotica, Romance, Non-Fiction, Children's Literature, and Picture Books. Another thing she is NOT open to is AI-generated text. Please submit only original stories written by humans for humans.
Web3 Publishing
We recognize that many authors are new to the fast-evolving Web3 publishing space and may be skeptical about using blockchain-based technologies. With all the headlines over the past year or two, there's a lot to be skeptical about. Rest assured that we are here to answer your questions and address your concerns.
We're applying new technologies to enhance the format, but the heart of a TokenBook will always be its content - your words, ideas, and creativity. We're eager to discover uncharted territories where traditional storytelling overlaps with advanced technology, and we can't wait to journey with you into new territories of narrative possibility.
Ours is one of several options available for authors interested in the Web3 publishing space. We are happy to share our experiences in the Cryptoversal Books Discord server. Talk to us.
Cryptoversal creates experimental literature at the intersection of authorship and technology. By harnessing emergent technologies, we help authors achieve their full creative potential in a future where our readers can share ownership in dynamic, interactive, immersive, and personalized literary journeys.